Category: Spiritual Awakening and Transformation
Honolulu Homecoming: A Journey of Love, Presence, and Redemption
In 1989, at just 18 years old, I embarked on my first true solo journey, landing in Honolulu and staying at a dormitory-hotel (I’m not sharing the name of the hotel out of respect). Although I had previously traveled alone to Osaka, Japan, my brother had been there to meet me. This trip, however, was… Read more
Receiving Abundance Wholeheartedly
Receiving Abundance Wholeheartedly Something mind-blowing happened today! My adorable wife, Hitomi, and I were walking through the woods when, from a distance, a Chinese gentleman ran up to me with handfuls of Japanese Yen, fanned out like beautiful Asian fans. It appeared that he had more than two arms, by the number of yen he… Read more
The Power of Conversation: How Gary Mahler Transforms Lives
I just returned to Honolulu from the most loving, powerful, and inspiring event I have ever attended—The Ultimate Experience. And that’s exactly what it was! Over the next few days, I’ll be sharing the extraordinary people I met, the profound experiences I had, and the miracles that unfolded before, during, and after this event, which… Read more
What is Love?
Yesterday, a friend told me they don’t know how to love. They shared that they’ve never felt love for anyone and have never felt truly loved others, and this has left them with loneliness, anxiety, and suffering. They asked me for help. As we talked, I shared an idea that has helped me: there are two… Read more
If I Could Only Share One Thing With You, It Would Be This
From the Heart If today were my last, and I could share just one thing with you, it would be this writing. Please don’t worry, this is not a “sayonara dear world” message at all. In fact, my heart is filled with more joy than ever and I am deeply grateful for the life I… Read more