I realize that most stages of my life have been by invitation. What I mean by this is that most of my major life changes were instigated by an invitation to an event or an opportunity. I just showed up to something I was invited to and the change began. If you would like more context on this, please read THIS article.
My transition from being a Personal Trainer to a Transformational Coach was an invitation within an invitation. A client gave me an invitation to an Entrepreneur’s Meet Up in Tokyo, which I attended. There I met between 50-60 other expat entrepreneurs. Of those I met, I connected with one who is a business coach. I have a business and always aim to make it better, so I asked him to know more about his coaching. We set up a meeting and he shared what he does. I was impressed with him and with his systematic approach to improving small business. Then he told me his fees.
I told him that I would consider his coaching in the future, but the fee wasn’t something I was willing to pay at that time. That’s when the invitation arose. He invited me to a barter of services, where he would help me with my business if I would help him get healthier. He needed help beyond what I normally help clients with and I expressed to him that this was new ground for me. He had faith that I could help him, so I gladly accepted his invitation.
We helped each other for about 3 months and both started seeing great results from each other’s coaching. Every conversation we had was helpful and there was change happening; my concept of business was getting clearer and I was taking action on that clarity. He was making steady progress on his path to health.
At the end of our agreed barter, I invited him to work with me as a paying client. He agreed and within the next 90 days, his results had us both in tears. There we were, two men in their 50s on a Zoom call, in tears about the work we did together. I’ll never forget it. And it wasn’t about the actual goals he achieved, which were phenomenal. He stopped drinking alcohol completely, stopped smoking, and lost 12 kgs (26 lbs). What shook me to the core were the five words his teenage daughter said to him. Those five words were, “I like my new Dad.” His transformation transformed his relationship with his beautiful daughter.
I realized that through deep conversations focused on helping another person, changes like this can happen. In that moment, my mind shifted and I made a clear decision that the next phase of my life would be focused on deeply helping people like this as my identity and profession. That moment was an invitation to the world of deep transformational coaching.
If what you read here speaks to you, please join me for a 60-minute complimentary Zoom call. I’m inviting you. And I promise that I will not try to sell you anything. My aim is to co-create a greater version of you to help you transform your life, as I am doing with the gentleman discussed in this article. It’s amazing what can be accomplished in 60-minutes when one is ready. HERE’s the link.